Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Purpose of Blog

This blog has been created as a discussion board to discuss the outrageous rise in gas prices over the last couple of months and ways to deal with and, at the same time, fight the pain at the pump.

With the blatant and shameful rise in profits of the oil companies, a serious discussion needs to be held on this difficult situation. By pooling our heads together, we can fight the oil companies and try to come up with alternative to our lifestyle of overconsumption.

All ideas are welcome. And while many in the past have discussed a day of boycott, the realities of modern life have shown us how difficult this can be to do. However, there are other ways to fight and still go about our daily lives. Carpools, slug lines and public transportation are the obvious. Switching to more efficient vehicles in another. However, there are countless other things we can do. Spot boycotts (an hour or two chosen on a particular day where everyone agrees not to use their vehicles), boycotts of a particular oil brand (Exxon, for example) or the old-fashioned picket line and protest are some other ideas.

Let's put our heads together and fight this democratically. Let's put the fear of the dollar (or the threat of withholding our dollards) into the oil companies and those that allow them to profit as they do.

Let's not wait another day.

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